Infinity is
With the sense that I am in the cycle of time
It is the perception that time does not flow and exists.
The human nature is inherited through repeated death and rebirth.
It has to do with life
The feeling of wanting to become part of the cycle, like having a child
Human nature is to seek one's own place.
The journey has meaning
The old memories of life that faintly flow through the veins come to life
That the truth comes from within, not from without.
It's a suggestive feeling
This has no characteristics
I can't even guess when or how it was made.
The primal sense engraved by time
It is a normal state without self-assertion.
Crafts that involve the body
It is a process of feeling and discovering the inner sensation.
Isn't craft meant to reach people?
This is also like the instinct to have children and become part of the order.
All parts are aligned in context
When mediocrity reaches its peak
The relationship of connection is enriched
Soon it goes beyond form and becomes a part of the person.

Written by Kim Dae-cheol